It is very important to use more than one google talk on your computer if you have more than one account in gtalk.If you have two GMail accounts one for business and one is personal.Both are important for us.Then what we do to run more than one google talk on my PC?here is the answer for you.Just apply the below steps carefully ,It will lead you to the use of multiple instances of google talk.
Step 1: Create a shortcut of the google talk on some where in your PC(Consider in desk top)
To create a short cut go to C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk and right click on the google talk and select send to desk top
Step 2:Now comeback to the desk top and find the google talk short cut.Right click on this shortcut and in the menu appeared select properties
Step 3 :Now you will get a new window,in that window look the target text box and add /nomutex to the end of that line.
Now the target line becomes as below
"C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex
Step 4:At last click on the OK button.Now you can open the original gtalk and the shortcut gtalk at the same time to sign in with different accounts.
You can create number of gtalks similar way.
Step 1: Create a shortcut of the google talk on some where in your PC(Consider in desk top)
To create a short cut go to C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk and right click on the google talk and select send to desk top
Now the target line becomes as below
"C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex
Step 4:At last click on the OK button.Now you can open the original gtalk and the shortcut gtalk at the same time to sign in with different accounts.
You can create number of gtalks similar way.
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